It has been an amazing summer! School has started and I've taken off in a new role this year. I absolutely loved being a literacy coach at Sugar Creek, but for the 2017-18 school year I am the new Assistant Principal for Sugar Creek Elementary for Bentonville Schools. I've been on the job for an entire month now and I have to say I'm loving it. I interviewed for the position this past May. While I was nervous, I felt extremely prepared to take on the challenge. I've always had a passion for working with teachers and providing relevant professional development. This new position has brought on so many other aspects to education that I have never had the opportunity to explore in the instructional coaching role. I'm learning so much and cannot wait for more to come.
I've decided to continue providing awesome products and goodies to educators around the world through my TpT and other online market centers. I'm planning to launch a line of educational products for literacy, instructional coaching and administrators. Thanks so much for your patience while I take on this new position.
:-) Christina Hamilton